

  • Fixed dependency issue



  • Updated github actions


  • Updated net_regression()
    • It now works (better) with unweighted networks
    • Added print methods that combine tidy() and glance()
    • Fixed effect naming error
    • Updated same() to work for two-mode networks
    • Updated specification advice for testing for homophily in two-mode networks



  • Using different github actions for renaming and releasing binaries (thanks @auzaheta)
  • Updated manynet dependence to >=1.0.5



  • Updated mpn_bristol with info
  • Updated mpn_ryanair with info
  • Updated mpn_elite_mex with info
  • Updated mpn_elite_usa
  • Updated mpn_senate
  • Updated mpn_cow


  • Updated diversity tutorial
    • More elaborate start
    • Broader figure widths
    • Dropped alter(Discipline) from net_regression() call



  • Using github actions download artifact v4 to address dependabot security warning



  • Made package title Title Case in DESCRIPTION
  • Added alttext to icons used in pkgdown site
  • Added CRAN link in pkgdown site
  • Removed unnecessary reexports
  • Dropped 6 Suggests dependencies
  • Dropped 4 Imports dependencies (including tidyr, see below)




  • Updated migraph logo with stocnet address, colorsafe colorway, and larger nodes and ties
  • Copied thisRequires() helper into migraph from manynet
  • testthat tests now parallelised
  • Fixed precision issues in testthat tests
  • Declared global variables .data and .graph_context

Measures, Motifs, and Memberships

  • All measures, motifs, and memberships have migrated to manynet
    • see manynet > v1.0.0 for more details



  • Added descriptions to tutorials
  • Renamed regression tutorial the diversity tutorial



  • Fixed DOI issue for Burchard/Cornwell paper




  • Added node_brokering() for identifying brokering roles from brokering activity and exclusivity
  • node_roulette() now optimises group diversity based on historical interactions (Lai and Hao 2016)
    • Added more documentation about maximally diverse grouping problem
    • Matrix operations bring an approximately threefold speed increase compared to vapply
    • Perturbation helpers can be used also for blockmodelling (closed #38)






  • Completed significant documentation updates


  • over_*() now reverts future plan on exit





  • Migrated package repository to ‘stocnet’ organisation
  • Significant documentation updates


  • Migrated remaining marks functions to manynet




  • Migrated play_*() functions to manynet, including as_diffusion() and the diffusion tutorial
  • Added specification advice to network_reg() so that specifications that include a ‘sim’ or ‘same’ effect for a variable are encouraged to also include more elementary ‘ego’ and ‘alter’ effects
  • network_reg() now ignores the LHS of the formula for uniplex networks





  • Added node_is_infected() to identify infected nodes at given time
  • Added node_is_latent() to identify infected nodes at given time
  • Added node_is_recovered() to identify infected nodes at given time
  • Added node_is_fold() for identifying nodes that are occupying structural folds
  • Dropped last is_*() functions from migraph to avoid unnecessary conflicts with manynet at startup
  • Improved ‘mark_nodes’ documentation



  • node_adopter() now correctly identifies non-adopters




  • Added node_is_exposed() function to mark nodes (logical) that are currently exposed to diffusion content in a network.


  • Fixed bugs for network_reproduction() function that calculates the R-nought value.
  • Added network_immunity() function to calculate the Herd Immunity Threshold for the network.
  • Added node_exposure() function to calculate the number of infected/adopting nodes to which each susceptible node is exposed.
  • Added documentation for diffusion measures, separating documentation for node_*() and network_*() measures.


  • Added as_diffusion() function to convert a diffusion event table into a diff_model object.
  • Added test_gof() function for testing goodness-of-fit in diffusion models.


  • Updates to tutorial 7 (diffusion):
    • Added section on R-nought and Herd Immunity.
    • Fixed layouts for plots using autographs() and autographd() for diff_model objects.



  • Fixed bugs in diffusion measures.
    • Fixed node_thresholds() so that it infers nodes’ thresholds from the amount of exposure they had when they became infected or exposed.
    • Updated node_adoption_time() and node_adopter() to return node_member and node_measure objects, which makes printing and summarising better.
    • Updated node_infection_length() and network_infection_length() which measures the average length nodes remain infected.


  • Added printing of membership class names if available in print method for node_member class.
  • Added distributional statistics of the vector if no membership vector is assigned in summary method for node_member class.


  • Updated diff_model object to carry original network data for plotting.
  • Updated play_diffusion() to forward exposure/contact information to the events table.




  • Added diffusion measures to website.


  • Fixed documentation issues for diffusion measures.



  • Added ‘minimising’ distance option for segregation model choice.
  • Changed ‘satisficing’ option in play_segregation() to sample randomly from those unoccupied options less than the desired threshold.


  • Added multi-choice questions to tutorial 8.




  • Fixed documentation for play_diffusion().
  • Fixed bug in labelling in plot results for SIR models.


  • Added plots using autographs() and elaboration for tutorial 7.



  • Fixed documentation issue with summary.node_member()


  • Fixed documentation issue with node_census()



  • print.node_mark() and print.tie_mark() now allow infinite ‘n’ width


  • print.node_measure() and print.tie_measure() now allow infinite ‘n’ width
    • Digit rounding is now fixed in print and summary methods


  • print.node_member() now prints the vector
    • Previous functionality is now available in summary.node_member()



  • Fixed bug in network setup in ‘tutorial4’ (Community)
  • Fixed bug in blockmodelling interpretation in ‘tutorial5’ (Position)
  • Added more to core-periphery section to ‘tutorial6’ (Topology)
  • Added network resilience section to ‘tutorial6’ (Topology)



  • Added node_louvain() community detection algorithm
  • Added node_leiden() community detection algorithm
    • Note that this function optimises the Constant Potts Model rather than modularity



  • Added more code annotations in ‘tutorial4’ (Community)
  • Elaborated ‘tutorial5’ (was named Equivalence, now Position)
  • Chunks in tutorials that are incremental now hidden upon extraction using purl = FALSE argument


  • Improved printing of node_members and node_measures objects



  • Added more questions to the Centrality tutorial (3)
  • Added more instruction and more questions to the Community tutorial (4)


  • Fixed scale, labelling, and other issues in plot.node_measure()



  • Added Macports option to the README (closes #274, thank you @barracuda156)
  • Updates to the Centrality tutorial



  • Upgraded all old igraph data to work with most recent version




  • Fixed some defunct function names


  • Breaking changes by moving the making, manipulating, and mapping functions to manynet
  • Most functions now expect .data as their first argument; previously it was object
  • Moved data vignette (now a tutorial) and visualisation tutorial to manynet
  • Updated README and pkgdown structure accordingly


  • Added over_time() and over_waves() to measure (potentially parallelised) over split graphs
    • Added class construction and a plot method for resulting network_measures object
  • Each of the four main types of centrality now get their own page of documentation
  • Added node_alpha() for calculating alpha centrality, mostly just a wrapper for igraph::alpha_centrality()
  • Added node_power() for calculating beta or Bonacich centrality, mostly just a wrapper for igraph::power_centrality(), though also correctly accounts for two-mode networks
  • Renamed node_homophily() to node_heterophily(), which is more accurate and in line with the scale’s direction
    • node_heterophily() now calculates EI indices in a faster, vectorised form, instead of the older, slower solution that calculated network_homophily() over all ego networks
  • Renamed network_homophily() to network_heterophily()
  • network_congruency() is now more explicit about its data expectations




  • Updated README with better structuring and explanation
    • Also improved figure quality



  • Added list method for as_tidygraph() for merging nodelists and edgelists
    • Note that a named list is expected, with names “nodes” and “ties”
  • Added igraph method for as_siena()
    • Note that this is a WIP proof of concept, and will currently only create the DV


  • Added hints, solutions, comments, and questions to equivalence and centrality tutorials
  • Changed theme across all tutorials


  • Fixed bug in read_pajek() where multiple networks/ties were causing an issue for partition assignment



  • Added hints and questions to community tutorial
  • Added diffusion tutorial


  • Added is_aperiodic() for testing whether a network is aperiodic (the greatest common divisor for all cycles in the network is 1)
    • Note that for computational efficiency, this will check only up to a specified path length (by default 4)
  • node_is_max() and node_is_min() now take a “rank” argument for selecting more than the first ranked maxima or minima


  • Added several new functions for splitting networks into a list of networks
    • Added to_components() to return the components of a network as a list of networks
    • Added to_egos() to return the ego networks of a network as a list of networks
    • Added to_subgraphs() to return attribute-based subgraphs as a list of networks



  • Extended play_diffusion() to include more compartment and transition options
    • The print method now tabulates the compartment sums per step
    • The summary method now presents the diffusion event list
    • The plot method now:
      • plots lines for S and I compartments, as blue and red lines respectively, if available or informs the user if no diffusion could be simulated
      • plots lines for E and R compartments, as orange and green lines respectively, if relevant
      • plots a bar graph behind showing the number of new infections per step
    • Added “transmissibility” parameter to allow for more probabilistic contagion, by default 1 (all contacts over the threshold result in contagion)
    • Added “latency” parameter to allow for an Exposed compartment to be included, by default 0 (no incubation period)
    • Added “recovery” rate parameter to allow for a Recovered compartment to be included, by default 0 (no recovery)
    • Added “waning” parameter to allow for returns to the Susceptible compartment, by default 0 (any recovered have lifelong immunity)
    • Added “immune” parameter to allow for issuing of targetted vaccinations or related
    • “thresholds” can now be proportions, in which case they are interpreted as complex
    • “seeds” is now 1 by default
  • Added play_diffusions() for running a diffusion model multiple times
    • Note for accelerating documentation and tutorials, this is 5 by default, but for publication quality results this should be increased
    • A print method tabulates the compartment sums per step per simulation
    • A summary method tabulates the steps until complete infection (or recovery) for each simulation
    • A plot method visualises the loess for each compartment across all simulations
    • Note that this function uses furrr and so a multicore or multisession strategy can be used for parallelisation (but this only makes sense for many simulations)
  • Added play_learning() for running a DeGroot learning model
    • A print method tabulates nodes beliefs at each step
    • A summary method informs how many steps it took until convergence or whether there was no convergence after t steps
    • A plot method visualises the belief trajectories for each node
  • network_reg() now declares the reference category for nominal variables



  • Changed tutorial naming structure to numeric
  • Made all existing tutorials solution oriented
  • Converted visualisation vignette into tutorial
    • Added further instruction as to how to change e.g. node_color colors
  • Converted centrality vignette into tutorial
  • Converted regression vignette into tutorial
    • Added a lot more interactivity to regression tutorial
  • Deleted vignette instructions off of the README
  • Added some core/coreness aspects to topology tutorial




  • Added first draft of (SI) play_diffusion() model
    • Added diff_model class, together with print, summary, and plot methods


  • Added topology tutorial



  • Added more similarity options for projection (to_mode1() and to_mode2())
  • Fixed bug in to_redirected.igraph() where routing through an edgelist caused problems


  • Elaborated documentation on modularity
  • Added network_scalefree() for returning power law alpha/exponent
    • A message is given if the KS p-value is less than 0.05


  • Added ison_lotr dataset for examples using interactions among Lord of the Rings characters in the books


  • Converted ‘visualisation’ vignette to a learnr tutorial
  • Deleted troublesome URLs to correlatesofwar.org
  • Brokerage census gets their own documentation page


  • Converted ‘community’ vignette to a learnr tutorial
  • Converted ‘equivalence’ vignette to a learnr tutorial



  • Fixed several typos in the centrality vignette and reexported figures
  • Added community detection vignette


  • create_lattice() now conforms to other create_*() functions in how it interprets "n"
    • from an inferred "n" for a one-mode network, it will create a transitive lattice of as even dimensions as possible
    • for a two-mode network, this depends on how balanced the two modes are, and is still a work in progress… (WIP)


  • Added is_eulerian() for a logical expression of whether the network has an Eulerian path


  • network_smallworld() now takes a method argument for different ways of calculating a small-world coefficient
    • “omega” (the new default) offers a better range, 0 to 1, than the previous (now “sigma”) metric.
    • “SWI” is also included and offers a 0 to 1 range, but where 1 may not be realisable
  • Added node_diversity() for calculating heterogeneity among each nodes’ ego network
  • Added node_homophily() for calculating homophilous ties among each nodes’ ego network
  • Added node_reciprocity() for calculating each node’s reciprocity
  • Added node_transitivity() for calculating each node’s transitivity/clustering



  • Reversed blue/red colour assignment for binary variables


  • to_twomode() now returns an undirected network
  • Added to_anti() for obtaining the complement of the given network
    • Note that unlike the implementation in igraph, this respects two-mode constructions


  • Added is_perfect_matching() for a logical expression of whether the maximum matching of a network is also perfect
  • Added node_is_core() for a logical vector of which nodes are members of the core


  • node_degree() now has an additional parameter for trading off between degree and strength in the case of weighted networks
  • Added node_power() for Bonacich power centrality for both one- and two-mode networks (closed #193)
  • Tie centrality measures now have their own help page (WIP)



  • graph_*() functions now renamed to network_*() for terminological consistency
  • Added p2visualization vignette
    • more motivation re Tufte and Brandes et al
    • an overview on key multimodal layouts
    • a few demonstrations of patchwork functionality


  • Added igraph/migraph layout comparison to README


  • Fixed CRAN LaTeX issue relating to underscores in manual figures


  • Fixed bug in plotting space coordinates for named two-mode networks
  • Suppressed messages relating to ‘graph’ class being defined by multiple packages


  • Filled in some further documentation
  • Dropped some older defunct functions


  • Renamed graph_blau_index() to graph_diversity()
  • Renamed graph_ei_index() to graph_homophily()



  • Fixed documentation issues (URLs, equations)


  • Reference and articles tabs on package website now called “Function Overview” and “Practical Lessons” respectively
  • Reinstated equivalence and blockmodelling vignettes
  • All vignettes now precompiled to avoid CRAN issues


  • Added as_graphAM() methods for all migraph-consistent object classes so {Rgraphviz} can be used effectively
  • Added as_igraph(), as_tidygraph(), and as_network() methods for RSiena sienaData objects (thanks @JaelTan, closed #94)
  • Added as_edgelist() and as_matrix() methods for network.goldfish class objects
  • The "twomode" argument in as_matrix() is now NULL by default, allowing both one-mode and two-mode coercion
  • to_mode1() and to_mode2() now take an extra argument to produce weighted projections by different “similarity” measures
    • “count” (the default) returns a raw count of the coincidence of nodes in the specified mode with nodes of the other mode
    • “jaccard” (Jaccard index) offers a measure of opportunity weighted by participation
    • “rand” (Simple Matching Coefficient) offers a measure of behavioral mirroring
    • “pearson” (Pearson’s correlation) and “yule” (Yule’s Q) offer correlation coefficients for valued and binary data, respectively
    • These options work for edgelists, matrices, igraph and tidygraph, and network objects
  • Added to_matching() methods to transform a two-mode network or network with some other (binary) “mark” attribute into a network of matching ties
  • Renamed to_main_component() to to_giant() to be more space efficient
    • Added methods for edgelists and matrices
  • Added two-mode application for to_blocks() (closed #242)
    • Fixed bug in to_blocks() where NA blocks couldn’t be subsequently coerced
  • Filled in a number of S3 methods
  • Fixed bug where to_unweighted() didn’t respect the “threshold” specified


  • Fixed eternal loop bug where node_mode() couldn’t produce a “mark” class object
  • Fixed bug where node names/labels were not being added to mark objects
  • Fixed bug in is_twomode() where labelling information was being ignored


  • graph_core() now runs node_core() (see below) if no “membership” vector is provided


  • Added node_core() for partitioning nodes into core and periphery memberships
  • Fixed floating point bug in k_strict()


  • Added “tertius” effect for network_reg()
  • “ego” and “alter” effects now work better for two-mode networks in network_reg()


  • Added “hierarchy” and “alluvial” layout methods
  • Added “railway” and “ladder” layout methods (closed #125)
  • Added “concentric” layout method
  • Restructured autographr() to improve future debugging and development
  • autographr() now rotates labels for partitioning layouts, including “concentric”, so that they are readable and overlap less
  • Fixed gglineage() to use “alluvial” layout and better position nodes on the x-axis


  • mpn_cow_igo now includes “polity2” scores
  • Added visualisations to some ison_ and mpn_ data documentation (closed #237)


  • Fixed URL error in a vignette


  • Dropped vignettes for now to ensure package makes it on to CRAN


  • Fixed some URL issues for CRAN


  • Split to_*() functions into reformatting (changing properties) and transforming (changing dimensions) documentation


  • Updated the DESCRIPTION and CITATION
  • Renamed edge_*() to tie_*() to offer more (SNA) consistent vocabulary
  • Added DOIs to as much data and documentation as possible (closed #236, thanks @JaelTan)
  • Some further rationalisation of the documentation
  • Dropped visualization vignette for now


  • Added methods for converting network.goldfish objects (and linked events and nodelists) to migraph-compatible objects (closed #96)
  • Renamed add_node_attributes() to add_node_attribute() and add_edge_attributes() to add_tie_attribute()



  • Printing ‘node_measure’ class objects now is prettier, extending the width of the console, indicating how many additional observations, and separates out each mode (closed #232)


  • Added print method for graph_motif (fixed #234)


  • Equivalence examples now \dontrun



  • autographr() no longer requires “highlight_measure” and “identify_function” arguments as users can now convert ‘measures’ to ‘marks’ and use these for “node_color” or “edge_color”


  • Added prints of each data object to @format for more consistent documentation
  • Added ison_brandes2 dataset, a two-mode version of the original one-mode dataset
  • Added mpn_cow_trade and mpn_cow_igo datasets (thanks @JaelTan)
  • Fixed non-unique names in mpn_elite_mex


  • Further shortened equivalence examples


  • Added node_reach() for calculating reach centrality (closed #196)
  • Separated (again) centrality and centralisation documentation


  • Shortened equivalence examples


  • Reduced package dependencies by 5
  • Relabelled scripts to follow website function structure
    • Added @family tags for improved cross-referencing
    • Added a lot more references/sources
  • README elaborated, including listing functions and data in the package
  • Switched to S3 classes as outputs for most functions


  • All create_ and generate_ functions now:
  • Some create_ functions can now take a membership vector or split into equal partitions by default
  • generate_random() now inherits attributes from any network


  • Added a couple of to_ functions useful for working with networks of different types
    • Added to_redirected() for adding or swapping direction to networks (closed #219)
    • Added to_blocks() for reducing a network down by a membership vector; blockmodel() and reduce_graph() are now deprecated
    • to_multilevel.igraph() now only works on two-mode networks; returns the original network if passed a one-mode network
  • Fixed some bugs in a number of is_ functions
    • is_signed.data.frame() and is_signed.matrix() now rely on new helper is.wholenumber() rather than misleading is.integer()
    • is_directed.igraph() and is_directed.matrix() now return FALSE for two-mode networks
    • is_connected() now returns result for strong components if directed and weak components if undirected
  • as_igraph.data.frame() now infers third column as weight


  • Added new set of functions that return logical vectors for nodes and edges:
    • edge_multiple(), edge_loop(), edge_reciprocal() moved from measures
    • Added edge_bridges()


  • A new "edge_measure" S3 class has been added, along with print() and plot() methods
  • Added summary.node_measure() method for printing a summary by a membership vector; summarise_statistics() is now deprecated
  • All cohesion, connection, and diversity measures now return "graph_measure" class results
    • graph_components() now calculates strong components for directed networks else weak components
    • print.graph_measure() now correctly labels two-mode results where a vector is given
  • Added new script for measuring features, including graph_smallworld()
    • Added graph_core() for calculating correlation of an observed network to a core-periphery network of the same dimensions (closed #39)
    • Added graph_factions() for calculating correlation of an observed network to a component network of the same dimensions (closed #40)
    • Added graph_modularity() for calculating modularity of an observed network, including modularity for two-mode networks (closed #144)
  • Added new script for measuring structural holes, including node_constraint()
  • node_betweenness() no longer needs nobigint argument; just uses default from igraph


  • Added "node_motif" S3 class for the output of node_*_census() functions
    • Added print.node_motif() for tibble-printing of census results
    • Added summary.node_motif() to summarise censuses by a membership vector, replacing group_tie_census() and group_triad_census(), which are now deprecated
  • Added "graph_motif" S3 class for the output of graph_*_census() functions
  • Added node_path_census() for returning the shortest distances from each node to every other node (closed #222)
  • node_tie_census() now creates unique column names


  • Added new "node_member" S3 class for vectors of nodes’ cluster memberships
    • The class hides a hierarchical clustering object as an attribute, so plot.node_member() replaces ggtree()
  • Moved to an equivalence identification scheme that hides many of the technical aspects from users when unnecessary
    • Added node_equivalence() for identifying nodes’ membership in classes equivalent with respect to some arbitrary motif census
      • "hierarchical" and "concor" now options for cluster within node_equivalence(); blockmodel_concor() is now deprecated (closed #123)
      • "elbow" now an option for k selection within node_equivalence(); ggidentify_clusters() is now deprecated
      • Added "silhouette" and "strict" options for k selection (closed #197)
      • Added option for k to be defined
      • There is now an argument distance passed to stats::dist that defines the distance metric (closed #36)
      • The argument range constrains the number of k evaluated by "elbow" and "silhouette" to improve parsimony and avoid long elapsed times
    • Added node_automorphic_equivalence() for identifying nodes’ membership in automorphically-equivalent classes (closed #187)
    • node_structural_equivalence() replaces cluster_structural_equivalence()
    • node_regular_equivalence() replaces cluster_regular_equivalence()
  • Added community identification scheme that mirrors equivalence identification in many respects
    • Added node_kernaghinlin() for identifying nodes’ membership in communities based on the Kernaghin-Lin algorithm (thank you, @jaeltan, closed #198)
  • Added connected identification scheme that mirrors equivalence identification in many respects


  • A single "graph_test" S3 class replaces "cug_test" and "qap_test"
    • plot.graph_test() replaces plot.cug_test() and plot.qap_test()
    • Added print.graph_test() method
  • plot.matrix() now plots adjacency/incidence matrices with sorting and horizontal/vertical lines if a membership vector is provided, effectively replacing plot.block_model()


  • autographr() can highlight nodes that max (by default) some measure (thank you, @BBieri, closed #224)
  • Added layout_tbl_graph_stressgrid() as an extra option
  • ggatyear() is deprecated


  • ison_algebra’s edge attributes now named “friends”, “social”, and “tasks”


  • Trialling {roxytest}
  • Updated favicons
  • Updated several vignettes
    • Closed #154 by building out data vignette
    • Updated centrality vignette with more modern plotting
  • Added some more informative documentation families


  • Folded m argument into p for generate_random(), p can now be passed an integer to indicate the number of ties the network should have


  • Refactored to_edges() to be ~26 times faster on average
  • Corrected edge labelling in to_edges()
  • Using to_subgraph() now instead of dplyr::filter() or strain()


  • Layouts now use times argument instead of maxiter


  • Renamed "measure" class "node_measure" and added "graph_measure" class with print method
  • Overhaul of centrality measures
    • Centrality and centralization measures now return normalized scores by default, normalized is now the second argument
    • directed and weights arguments have been removed and are now imputed, if this is undesired please use to_*() first
    • node_degree() now calculates strength centrality if network is weighted
    • node_eigenvector() and graph_eigenvector() both work with two-mode networks
    • Added edge_degree() and edge_eigenvector(), which both just apply the corresponding nodal measure to the edge graph
  • edge_mutual() renamed to edge_reciprocal()
  • Closed #225 by adding graph_assortativity()


  • Closed #151 with blockmodel coloring for signed graphs


  • Dropped weight from mpn_elite_mex
  • Dropped direction from ison_brandes


  • Streamlined some examples to reduce testing time
  • Fixed a DOI URL for Ortmann and Brandes reference


  • Streamlined some tests to reduce testing time


  • is_multiplex.igraph() and is_multiplex.tbl_graph() now checks for multiple edge attributes
  • Added strain() as wrapper for dplyr’s filter(), renamed to avoid conflicts with {stats}


  • ison_algebra now unlabelled


  • Recognised contributors Henrique Sposito and Jael Tan
  • Updated dependencies
    • readxl is now suggested, but required if importing from an Excel sheet
    • patchwork replaces {gridExtra} to make for more concise multiplot visualisations
    • dplyr also serves to export magrittr’s pipe
    • {RColorBrewer} has been dropped and the Dark2 discrete set of colors is now internal
  • README has been updated and now compiles from a .Rmd file
  • Changed website theme to ‘superhero’
  • All prior deprecated functions have been removed
  • Increased testing to ~80% (closed #126, #212)
  • CITATION has been updated too


  • Moved to @describeIn documentation (closed #215)
  • Distinguished directed and direction arguments in some functions; whereas directed is always logical (TRUE/FALSE), direction expects a character string, e.g. “in”, “out”, or “undirected”
  • generate_permutation() now has an additional logical argument, with_attr, that indicates whether any attributes from the original data should be passed to the permuted object
  • All create_*() functions now accept existing objects as their first argument and will create networks with the same dimensions
  • read_pajek() now imports nodal attributes alongside the main edges
  • read_ucinet() now enjoys clearer documentation


  • All as_*() functions now retain weights where present; if you want an unweighted result, use is_unweighted() afterwards
    • as_edgelist.network() now better handles edge weights
    • as_matrix.igraph() now better handles edge signs
  • Pivoted to S3 methods for most manipulation functions for better dispatching and performance
  • Added to_edges() for creating adjacency matrices using a network’s edges as nodes
  • Renamed project_rows() and project_cols() functions to to_mode1() and to_mode2(), which is both more consistent with other functions naming conventions and more generic by avoiding the matrix-based row/column distinction
  • Added node_mode(), which returns a vector of the mode assignments of the nodes in a network
  • Added edge_signs(), which returns a vector of the sign assignments of the edges in a network


  • Added ‘visualization’ vignette that starts to introduce how autographr() works and how ggraph extends this
  • autographr() now incorporates ggidentify() functionality (closed #150)
  • patchwork is now used to assemble multiple plots together
  • Fixed #204 layout issues with ggatyear()


  • Added new measure class and directed most node_*() functions to create objects of this class
    • A print method for this class prints an abbreviated vector (the full vector is always still contained within the object) and prints elements from both modes in the event that the original object was two-mode (closed #202)
    • A plot method replaces ggdistrib() and offers “hist” and “dens” methods for histograms and density plots respectively
  • Added some edge-based centrality measures (closed #165)
    • edge_betweenness() wraps igraph’s function of the same name
    • edge_closeness() measures the closeness centrality of nodes in an edge adjacency
  • Added several more measures of connectedness
    • node_cuts() identifies articulation points (nodes) in a network
    • edge_bridges() identifies edges that serve as bridges in a network
    • graph_cohesion() measures how many nodes would need to be removed to increase the number of components (closed #192)
    • graph_adhesion() measures how many edges would need to be removed to increase the number of components
    • graph_length() measures the average path length
    • graph_diameter() measures the longest path length
  • Removed node_smallworld() and added graph_smallworld(), which works with both one- and two-mode networks (fixed #214)



  • Extended network_reg()’s formula-based system
    • network_reg() can now handle binary and multiple categorical variables (factors and characters, closed #211);
    • network_reg() can now manage interactions specified in the common syntax; var1 * var2 expands to var1 + var2 + var1:var2 (closed #163)
    • dist() and sim() effects have been added (closed #207)
  • network_reg() now employs logistic regression to estimate a binary outcome and linear regression to estimate a continuous outcome (closed #184)
  • network_reg() now uses Dekker et al’s semi-partialling procedure by default for multivariate specifications (closed #206), defaulting to y-permutations in the case of a single predictor (closed #208)
  • Added parallelisation to Monte Carlo based tests
  • Added broom S3 methods for netlm and netlogit class objects (closed #183)
    • tidy() extracts coefficients and related values
    • glance()extracts model-level values such as R^2
  • Added plot method for netlm and netlogit class objects (closed #216), which plots the empirical distribution for each test statistic, indicates percentiles relating to common critical values, and superimposes the observed coefficients
  • Added plot method for cug_test and qap_test class objects, which plots the empirical distribution, highlighting tails beyond some critical value (closed #213), and superimposing the observed coefficient and, possibly, 0
  • Relabelled some classes to avoid loading conflicts with sna
    • print.block_model() replaces print.blockmodel()
    • plot.block_model() replaces plot.blockmodel()
  • Reduced the number of simulations used in tests, examples, and vignettes to avoid CRAN warnings


  • Updated several names of datasets for consistency and conciseness
    • ison_southern_women instead of southern_women
    • ison_brandes instead of brandes
    • ison_networkers instead of ison_eies
    • ison_algebra instead of ison_m182
    • ison_adolescents instead of ison_coleman
  • Extended several datasets
    • mpn_elite_mex is extended with data from Pajek and with help from Frank Heber
    • ison_networkers becomes named with information from tnet
  • Elaborated documentation of most mpn_* and ison_* datasets, including references/sources


  • Closed #149 by adding extra column to node_tie_census in cluster_structural_equivalence() for isolates
    • Note that this renders all isolates structurally equivalent


  • Closed #168 by adding patchwork to suggested packages in DESCRIPTION
  • Updated function reference page on website


  • Updated add_ functions
    • Closed #178 by adding name to existing edges when further edges added in mutate_edges()
    • Closed #179 by inferring an attribute vector is for one of the two modes where possible in add_node_attributes()
  • Added is_ methods: is_multiplex(), is_uniplex(), is_acyclic()
  • Added edge_ functions to identify edges by properties: edge_mutual(), edge_multiple(), edge_loop()

Import and export


Import and export



  • Closed #139 by adding vignette on importing and connecting data

Import and export

  • Added read_ and write_ functions and updated documentation


  • Added is_graph() to check if an object is a graph or not
  • Extended as_network() to retain attributes
  • Fixed bugs in as_ and to_ functions
    • Fixed bug in as_ functions to convert from dataframes instead of tibbles
    • Fixed bug in conversion from network to igraph object in as_igraph() function
    • Fixed bug in to_undirected() function to work with network objects
    • Fixed bug in to_main_component() function so that it retains vertex attributes in network objects
  • Added edge_attribute() to grab a named edge attribute from a graph/network
  • Updated to_unweighted() to prevent conversion of network object into igraph object when deleting weights


  • Closed #143 by adding nodal summary by cluster function summarise_statistics()




  • Added start to network linear model part of practical 7 vignette
  • Thanks to @BBieri for adding many tests and working on igraph<->network interchange


  • Added ison_eies dataset for use in practical 7 vignette


  • The as_matrix() method for networks now works with two-mode and weighted networks
  • The as_igraph() method for matrices now checks for weights independently of coercion
  • The as_igraph() method for networks now works with two-mode and weighted networks
  • The as_network() method for matrices now works with two-mode and weighted networks
  • The as_network() method for edgelists, igraph, and tidygraphs now works with weighted networks
  • Added to_unnamed() method for edge lists
  • Added to_simplex() method for matrices
  • Added to_main_component() method for networks
  • Added to_multilevel() method for matrices
  • mutate_edges() now coalesces rows of edges


  • Fixed bug where clusters were not being reported in the correct order in graph_blau_index()



  • Added new issue templates and refined the wording in existing templates
  • Improved documentation across many help pages
  • Closed #146 by adding vignette on homophily


  • Added generate_permutation() which takes an object and returns an object with the edges permuted, but retaining all nodal attributes
  • Made generate_random() also work with an existing object as input, in which it will return a random graph with the same dimensions and density
  • Consolidated data scripts


  • Added mutate_edges() for adding new edges as attributes to existing edges in an object


  • Closed #159 by fixing bug in graph_blau_index()
  • Closed #157 by fixing bug in graph_ei_index()
  • Closed #156 and #158 by fixing bugs with test_random() (defunct test_cug())



  • Closed #75 by updating the README


  • Added some functions for grabbing key information from objects
    • node_names() for quickly accessing node labels
    • node_attribute() for quickly accessing a certain nodal attribute
    • edge_weights() for quickly accessing edge weights
    • graph_nodes() for quickly accessing a count of nodes in the graph, note that for two-mode networks this will be a vector of length 2
    • graph_edges() for quickly accessing a count of edges in the graph
    • graph_dimensions() is currently a copy of graph_nodes()
  • Added some functions for adding key information to objects
    • add_node_attributes() for adding particular nodal attributes
    • add_edge_attributes() for adding edges from another graph
    • copy_edge_attributes() for copying all nodal attributes from another graph
  • Improved twomode and weighted handling of several functions


  • Added diversity functions
    • graph_blau_index() for summarising diversity of an attribute in a network or group
    • graph_ei_index() for summarising diversity of an attribute over a network’s ties


  • Closed #119 by adding node_quad_census(), especially useful for two-mode blockmodelling
  • Closed #95 and #120 by adding graph_mixed_census()
  • Closed #97 by adding test functions



  • Updated various URLs in the vignettes to pass CRAN tests
  • Reduce number of layout examples to avoid examples taking too long to run


  • Closed #128 by adding as_edgelist() methods for converting other objects into edgelists
    • Note that this currently returns a tibble
  • Using to_unnamed() on ‘network’ objects now operates on them directly
  • Elaborated to_ documentation significantly
  • Fixed bug in to_onemode() that was tripping blockmodel() on networks that are already one-mode
  • Added is_connected() to test whether network is connected, method = argument can be specified as weak or strong



  • Added rounding to centralization measures, by default =2
  • Closed #109 by adding centrality vignette


  • Added graph_dyad_census() for more graph profile options
  • Fixed bug with blockmodel_concor() when an object was of class ‘igraph’ but not ‘tbl_graph’
  • Fixed bug in how blockmodel() was treating two-mode networks
  • Closed #116 by offering both "elbow" and "strict" methods for k-identification
    • Fixed bug in elbow method that biased heavily bipartitioned data
  • Closed #131 by refactoring ggidentify_clusters() for speed
    • Takes now roughly half the time (see issue for details)


  • Added ggdistrib() for easy plotting of degree and other node score distributions
  • Reexported ggsave(), xlab() and ylab() from ggplot2 for easier plot annotation


  • Closed #108 by adding cohesion and community vignette


  • Fixed #122 by retaining edge weights from igraph in as_matrix() where available


  • Split graph_equivalency() into the same for two-mode networks and graph_congruency()for three-mode (two two-mode) networks
  • Added option for graph_reciprocity() method
  • Added graph_components() and node_components()


  • Fixed #113 by retaining node labels through census functions
  • Closed #114 by transposing node_tie_census() output so that it’s consistent with node_triad_census() and future node_census functions
  • Closed #121 by renaming cluster_triad_census() to group_triad_census()
  • Added group_tie_census()


  • Added option to autographr() for plotting convex/concave hulls
  • Closed #124 by making ggraphgrid() a set of layout functions:
    • layout_tbl_graph_frgrid() or autographr(object, "frgrid") for snapping Fruchterman-Reingold to a grid
    • layout_tbl_graph_kkgrid() or autographr(object, "kkgrid") for snapping Kamada-Kawai to a grid
    • layout_tbl_graph_gogrid() or autographr(object, "gogrid") for snapping graph optimisation to a grid
    • ggraphgrid() has been deprecated


  • Fixed some ison_m182 documentation


  • Fixed CRAN package check dependencies bug where ‘knitr’ and ‘rmarkdown’ were listed as Imports without being used in the package


  • Fixed bug where bipartite edge lists were not being recognised as a twomode network by as_igraph()
  • Fixed bug where to_uniplex() was not returning a weighted graph


  • Fixed bug where blockmodel() was not retaining node names in all parts of the object structure


  • Closed #107 by choosing better brewer pallette (though note this is not a very deep pallette with only 9 colors)


  • Expanded on the blockmodelling vignette with more intro, discussion, interpretation clues


  • Fixed codecov url bug
  • Removed several package dependencies by moving plot_releases() to another package
  • Made many dependencies more explicit
  • Entire package ‘linted’


  • Added is_signed() to logically test whether the network is a signed network
  • Added to_unsigned() for extracting networks of either “positive” or “negative” ties from a signed network
  • Added tbl_graph methods for all other to_ functions
  • Reexported activate() from tidygraph


  • Added sensible plotting defaults for signed networks in autographr()
  • Removed plot_releases() from this package


  • Refactored graph_balance() to be much faster, following David Schoch’s signnet package (see that package for further extensions)


  • Updated the edge ‘sign’ attribute of ison_marvel_relationships to be a double (-1/1) to be compatible with the new graph_balance() and signnet


  • Fixed coercion to igraph from data frames and updated read script
  • Added to_main_component() to extract the main component of a network
  • Added to_onemode() for moving to multimodal igraph objects
  • Added to_uniplex() method to delete edge types and their edges from multiplex networks
  • Added to_simplex() method to delete loops from a network
  • Added to_named() method for randomly naming unlabeled networks


  • Added ison_mm, ison_mb, ison_bm, and ison_bb projection illustration data
  • Added ison_karateka community detection illustration data
  • Added ison_marvel_teams and ison_marvel_relationships datasets
  • Added ison_m182 dataset of friends, social and task ties between 16 anonymous students
  • Renamed adolescent_society dataset to ison_colemanfor consistency
  • Data now listed at the bottom of the website References page


  • Added graph_eigenvector() for one mode networks
  • Added graph_balance() for measuring structural balance
  • Added node_tie_census(), node_triad_census(), cluster_triad_census(), and graph_triad_census()
  • Separated out graph_clustering() into the cohesion measures graph_density(), graph_reciprocity(), graph_transitivity(), and graph_equivalence()
  • Fixed node_smallworld() to use separated cohesion measures


  • Added blockmodel() which masks its sna namesake but has the advantages of working with two-mode networks and retaining node names where available
    • Added cluster_structural_equivalence() and cluster_regular_equivalence() as bases for blockmodelling
    • Added reduce_graph() for creating a network from a blockmodel
  • Added first vignette on structural holes, structural equivalence and regular equivalence blockmodelling


  • Added autographr() for plotting graphs with sensible defaults
    • Uses a more contrastive discrete palette when some nodal attribute is given
    • Uses an alpha for edges, and edges will now be sized by edge weight, where available
    • Uses node labels, sans borders, where available
    • Uses different shaped nodes, and different fonts, for different node sets
    • Removed ggraphlabel() since core functionality now provided by autographr
  • Added ability for ggidentify() to identify the node with the highest value of a specified node-level measure
  • Added a couple of more specific visualization functions
    • Added ggatyear() for subsetting and plotting edgelists at year
    • Updated gglineage() to return a graph colored according to lineage
      • Added tick marks
  • Added several more specific functions for diagnosing and visualising blockmodels
    • Added ggtree() for neatly visualising hierarchical clusters
    • Added ggidentify_clusters() for identifying which number of clusters is most appropriate following the elbow method
  • Fixed bug related to ggraph::theme_graph() present in a few different visualisation functions


  • Added brandes dataset for teaching centrality measures
  • Added adolescent_society dataset for teaching friendship paradox
  • Added read_edgelist() for importing Excel-created edgelists directly


  • Added ggraphlabel() for one-function (1F) plotting label-based network graphs
  • Added ggevolution() for 1F-plotting begin/end graph comparisons
  • Added ggraphgrid() for 1F snap-to-grid graph layouts based on Fruchterman-Reingold or Kamada-Kawai
  • Added ggidentify() for 1F identifying nodes with maximum scores based on some arbitrary function


  • Added to_undirected() for symmetrising networks of all types
  • Made existing to_ functions S3 methods


  • Fixed Unicode char bug in coercion documentation


  • Closed #100 by converting as_ coercion functions to S3 methods


  • Closed #92 by adding gglineage() for graphing a citation network through time
  • Closed #99 by adding ggevolution() for graphing two timepoints of the same network side by side
  • Closed #102 by adding ggraphgrid() for locking a graph to a grid
  • Slight improvements to plot.igraph() defaults


  • Added tidygraph lookups to node_ functions


  • Fixed bug in as_matrix() with frame matrix by dropping (rarely necessary) functionality

    • Improved handling of weights column in three-column edgelists
    • Improved documentation of as_ functions


  • Fixed bugs in plot_releases() with more graceful handling of http errors

    • Added online condition to example in documentation
    • Specified encoding for more silent operation


  • Removed unused package dependencies (R6, ggraph)
  • Avoided M1mac check issue by dropping sensitive netlm() test
  • Added some tests



  • Extended R version dependence back to 3.6.*


  • Added binarise() for unweighting networks
  • Fixed bug in as_tidygraph() when passed a tbl_graph directly


  • Added plot_releases() for more general use
  • Fixed bug in plot.igraph() with layouts and one-mode graphs


  • Updated README

    • Updated installation instructions for CRAN
    • Added package functions overview
  • Added CITATION details


  • Separated coercion (previously conversion) and manipulation

  • Added some more inter-class coercion tests

  • Fixed bug in how as_network() sometimes coerced two-mode networks into much larger dimension matrices

  • Added more is_ tests for class-independent property tests



  • Added test for print.blockmodel()



  • Reran usethis::use_mit_license("James Hollway"). MIT License file now contains only the standard two lines.
  • Removed \dontrun from examples. netlm() now runs in <5 seconds.
  • Fixed missing website item



  • Closed #21 by elaborating DESCRIPTION file in preparation for CRAN submission
  • Updated several old URLs in documentation


  • Closed #85 by adding as_network() to coerce objects into network class
  • Modified other coercion functions to also work with network class objects



  • Moved package’s Github repository from jhollway/ to snlab-ch/ organisation
  • Trimmed some package dependencies and added others


  • Elaborated documentation for the remainder of the datasets

    • Now all datasets in this package are titled with whether they are one-mode, two-mode, or three-mode


  • Fixed bug in graph_degree() where data was hard-coded in


  • Closed #18 by adding blockmodel_concor() for employing the CONCOR algorithm to blockmodel both one-mode and two-mode networks

    • Added a new print method for “blockmodel”-class objects based on the print.blockmodel() method in the sna package that also prints blockmodel results for two-mode networks consistently
    • Added a new plot method for “blockmodel”-class objects that leverages ggplot2 for pretty plotting and that better inherits names from the underlying object



  • Closed #81 by making migraph depend on R versions 4.0 or above
  • Updated PR template


  • Added functions for class conversion between migraph-consistent graph formats
  • as_matrix() function to coerce objects into an adjacency or incidence matrix class
  • as_igraph() function to coerce objects into an igraph graph class
  • as_tidygraph() function to coerce objects into an tidygraph tbl_graph class
  • Closed #79 by adding is_twomode() function to check whether network is two-mode on all object types


  • Renamed several datasets and elaborated their documentation

    • mpn_mexicanpower was renamed to mpn_elite_mex
    • mpn_powerelite was renamed to mpn_elite_usa_advice
    • mpn_opensecrets was renamed to mpn_elite_usa_money
  • Reconstructed several creation functions to take universal (one-mode/two-mode) input: specifying n = 5 creates a one-mode network, while specifying n = c(5, 5) creates a two-mode network

    • Added create_empty()
    • Added create_complete()
    • Closed #65 by extending create_ring() to create rings of varying breadth
    • Closed #66 by extending create_components() (renamed from create_silos()) to create networks with varying numbers of components
    • Added sample_affiliation() for random two-mode networks
    • Removed create_match() and create_nest()


  • Renamed centrality_ functions with node_ prefix and ensured they all also wrapped one-mode measures

  • Re-added node_constraint() for calculating Burt’s constraint measure for one- and two-mode networks

  • Re-added node_smallworld() for calculating Watts-Strogatz measure of small-worldness for two-mode networks

  • Closed #32 by re-adding centralization functions for one- and two-mode networks

    • graph_degree() for degree centralization
    • graph_closeness() for closeness centralization
    • graph_betweenness() for betweenness centralization
  • Re-added graph_clustering() for calculating (see Knoke et al 2021):

    • transitivity on one-mode networks
    • shared four-cycles on two-mode networks
    • congruent four-cycles on three-mode networks


  • Re-added netlm() for performing linear regression for multimodal network data

    • Closed #76 by changing netlm() to accept a formula-based input
    • Closed #77 by adding print.summary.netlm() for netlm() regressions


  • Closed #82 by re-adding a version plot.igraph() with sensible defaults for two-mode networks



  • pkgdown now deploys after release
  • Reexported a number of igraph and tidygraph functions for internal use
  • Completed some convert_ and project_ documentation


  • Updated mpn_ data source references


  • Added centrality measures that take (and if necessary return) matrix, igraph, or tidygraph objects, and offer a correct normalization for two-mode networks

    • Added centrality_degree()
    • Added centrality_closeness()
    • Added centrality_betweenness()



  • Package name change from roctopus to migraph

    • Closed #50 with new logo
  • Now builds Linux binary too


  • Added project_rows() and project_cols() to make it easier to project two-mode networks in different formats (matrix, igraph, tidygraph) into projected versions in the same format
  • Closed #30 with conversion from different data frame formats, e.g. weighted and unweighted edgelists, into an incidence matrix with as_incidence_matrix()


  • Renamed data related to the book “Multimodal Political Networks” with “mpn_” prefix