Ron Burt prepared this data from Coleman, Katz and Menzel's 1966 study on medical innovation. They had collected data from physicians in four towns in Illinois: Peoria, Bloomington, Quincy and Galesburg. These four networks are held as separate networks in a list.
Coleman, Katz and Menzel were concerned with the impact of network ties on the physicians' adoption of a new drug, tetracycline. Data on three types of ties were collected in response to three questions:
advice: "When you need information or advice about questions of therapy where do you usually turn?"
discussion: "And who are the three or four physicians with whom you most often find yourself discussing cases or therapy in the course of an ordinary week – last week for instance?"
friendship: "Would you tell me the first names of your three friends whom you see most often socially?"
Additional questions and records of prescriptions provided additional information:
recorded date of tetracycline adoption
years in practice
(note that these are {messydates}
-compatible dates)
(those that attended "Specialty" conferences presumably also attended "General" conferences)
regular subscriptions to medical journals
spent associating with doctors
on medical matters when with other doctors sociallyy
memberships in clubs
with other doctores
number of top 3 friends
that are doctors
time practicing in current community
load (ordinal)
physical proximity
to other physicians (in building/sharing office)
medical specialty
#> $Peoria
#> # A multiplex, directed network of 117 nodes and 543 friendship, advice, and
#> discussion arcs
#> -- Nodes
#> # A tibble: 117 x 12
#> adoption specialty conferences journals practice community patients
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 Pediatrician Specialty 9 1920..1929 20+yrs 101-150
#> 2 12 GP None 5 1945.. -1yr 76-100
#> 3 8 Internist General 7 1935..1939 10-20yrs 76-100
#> 4 9 GP General 6 1940..1944 5-10yrs 51-75
#> 5 9 GP General 4 1935..1939 10-20yrs 51-75
#> 6 10 Internist None 7 1930..1934 10-20yrs 101-150
#> # i 111 more rows
#> # i 5 more variables: doc_freetime <dbl>, doc_discuss <dbl>, doc_friends <dbl>,
#> # doc_club <dbl>, doc_proximity <chr>
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 543 x 3
#> from to type
#> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1 8 friendship
#> 2 1 58 friendship
#> 3 1 87 advice
#> 4 1 90 advice
#> 5 1 110 advice
#> 6 1 112 friendship
#> # i 537 more rows
#> $Bloomington
#> # A multiplex, directed network of 50 nodes and 211 friendship, discussion, and
#> advice arcs
#> -- Nodes
#> # A tibble: 50 x 12
#> adoption specialty conferences journals practice community patients
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 98 Internist Specialty 8 1930..1934 10-20yrs 101-150
#> 2 1 GP General 3 1945.. 5-10yrs 76-100
#> 3 98 GP Specialty 4 1930..1934 10-20yrs 101-150
#> 4 7 Internist None 3 1945.. -1yr 26-50
#> 5 6 Internist General 9 1935..1939 5-10yrs 76-100
#> 6 1 GP Specialty 5 1935..1939 10-20yrs 101-150
#> # i 44 more rows
#> # i 5 more variables: doc_freetime <dbl>, doc_discuss <dbl>, doc_friends <dbl>,
#> # doc_club <dbl>, doc_proximity <chr>
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 211 x 3
#> from to type
#> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1 3 friendship
#> 2 1 10 discussion
#> 3 1 24 advice
#> 4 1 44 advice
#> 5 2 4 advice
#> 6 2 6 advice
#> # i 205 more rows
#> $Quincy
#> # A multiplex, directed network of 44 nodes and 174 advice, discussion, and
#> friendship arcs
#> -- Nodes
#> # A tibble: 44 x 12
#> adoption specialty conferences journals practice community patients
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2 Internist None 6 1935..1939 10-20yrs 151+
#> 2 18 GP General 3 1920..1929 20+yrs 151+
#> 3 18 Internist None 5 1945.. -1yr -25
#> 4 4 GP General 3 1930..1934 20+yrs 151+
#> 5 18 GP Specialty 4 1935..1939 10-20yrs 151+
#> 6 5 Internist General 5 ..1919 20+yrs 51-75
#> # i 38 more rows
#> # i 5 more variables: doc_freetime <dbl>, doc_discuss <dbl>, doc_friends <dbl>,
#> # doc_club <dbl>, doc_proximity <chr>
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 174 x 3
#> from to type
#> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1 8 advice
#> 2 1 9 advice
#> 3 1 10 discussion
#> 4 1 13 friendship
#> 5 1 15 advice
#> 6 1 22 discussion
#> # i 168 more rows
#> $Galesburg
#> # A multiplex, directed network of 35 nodes and 171 advice, discussion, and
#> friendship arcs
#> -- Nodes
#> # A tibble: 35 x 12
#> adoption specialty conferences journals practice community patients
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 18 GP General 4 1935..1939 5-10yrs 101-150
#> 2 18 GP None 4 1935..1939 -1yr 151+
#> 3 4 GP General 6 1945.. 2-5yrs 51-75
#> 4 5 GP None 4 1935..1939 10-20yrs 101-150
#> 5 8 Internist General 6 1935..1939 5-10yrs 151+
#> 6 4 Internist Specialty 8 ..1919 20+yrs 76-100
#> # i 29 more rows
#> # i 5 more variables: doc_freetime <dbl>, doc_discuss <dbl>, doc_friends <dbl>,
#> # doc_club <dbl>, doc_proximity <chr>
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 171 x 3
#> from to type
#> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1 5 advice
#> 2 1 6 advice
#> 3 1 20 discussion
#> 4 1 23 discussion
#> 5 1 30 friendship
#> 6 1 31 friendship
#> # i 165 more rows
Coleman, James, Elihu Katz, and Herbert Menzel. 1966. Medical innovation: A diffusion study. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company.