This package includes two datasets related to the Marvel comic book universe.
The first, ison_marvel_teams
, is a two-mode affiliation network of 53
Marvel comic book characters and their affiliations to 141 different teams.
This network includes only information about nodes' names and nodeset,
but additional nodal data can be taken from the other Marvel dataset here.
The second network, ison_marvel_relationships
, is a one-mode signed network
of friendships and enmities between the 53 Marvel comic book characters.
Friendships are indicated by a positive sign in the tie sign
whereas enmities are indicated by a negative sign in this edge attribute.
#> # A labelled, two-mode network of 194 nodes and 683 ties
#> -- Nodes
#> # A tibble: 194 x 2
#> type name
#> <lgl> <chr>
#> 1 FALSE Abomination
#> 2 FALSE Ant-Man
#> 3 FALSE Apocalypse
#> 4 FALSE Beast
#> 5 FALSE Black Panther
#> 6 FALSE Black Widow
#> # i 188 more rows
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 683 x 2
#> from to
#> <int> <int>
#> 1 1 120
#> 2 1 152
#> 3 1 160
#> 4 1 162
#> 5 1 179
#> 6 2 56
#> # i 677 more rows
#> # A labelled, complex, signed, undirected network of 53 nodes and 558 ties
#> -- Nodes
#> # A tibble: 53 x 10
#> name Gender Appearances Attractive Rich Intellect Omnilingual PowerOrigin
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <chr>
#> 1 Abomina~ Male 427 0 0 1 1 Radiation
#> 2 Ant-Man Male 589 1 0 1 0 Human
#> 3 Apocaly~ Male 1207 0 0 1 1 Mutant
#> 4 Beast Male 7609 1 0 1 0 Mutant
#> 5 Black P~ Male 2189 1 1 1 0 Human
#> 6 Black W~ Female 2907 1 0 1 0 Human
#> # i 47 more rows
#> # i 2 more variables: UnarmedCombat <int>, ArmedCombat <int>
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 558 x 3
#> from to sign
#> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 1 4 -1
#> 2 1 11 -1
#> 3 1 12 -1
#> 4 1 23 -1
#> 5 1 24 -1
#> 6 1 25 -1
#> # i 552 more rows
Umut Yuksel, 31 March 2017
Additional nodal variables have been coded and included by Dr Umut Yuksel:
Gender: binary character, 43 "Male" and 10 "Female"
PowerOrigin: binary character, 2 "Alien", 1 "Cyborg", 5 "God/Eternal", 22 "Human", 1 "Infection", 16 "Mutant", 5 "Radiation", 1 "Robot"
Appearances: integer, in how many comic book issues they appeared in
Attractive: binary integer, 41 1 (yes) and 12 0 (no)
Rich: binary integer, 11 1 (yes) and 42 0 (no)
Intellect: binary integer, 39 1 (yes) and 14 0 (no)
Omnilingual: binary integer, 8 1 (yes) and 45 0 (no)
UnarmedCombat: binary integer, 51 1 (yes) and 2 0 (no)
ArmedCombat: binary integer, 25 1 (yes) and 28 0 (no)