Multiplex graph object of friends, social, and task ties
between 16 anonymous students in an honors algebra class (M182).
Each type of tie is weighted:
the friends
ties are weighted
= best friends, 1
= friend, and 0
is not a friend;
consists of social interactions per hour;
and tasks
consists of task interactions per hour.
#> -- # M182 Algebra Class --------------------------------------------------------
#> # A multiplex, weighted, directed network of 16 nodes and 279 social, tasks,
#> and friends arcs
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 279 x 4
#> from to type weight
#> <int> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 1 5 social 1.2
#> 2 1 5 tasks 0.3
#> 3 1 8 social 0.15
#> 4 1 9 social 2.85
#> 5 1 9 tasks 0.3
#> 6 1 10 social 6.45
#> # i 273 more rows
See also data(studentnets.M182, package = "NetData")
Larger comprehensive data set publicly available, contact Daniel A. McFarland for details.
McFarland, Daniel A. (2001) “Student Resistance.” American Journal of Sociology 107(3): 612-78. doi:10.1086/338779 .