This network records the evolution of the major relationship changes between the protagonists of World War I (WWI) from 1872 to 1907. It is incomplete both in terms of (eventual) parties to the war as well as some other relations, but gives a good overview of the main alliances and enmities.

The data series begins with the Three Emperors' League (1872, revived in 1881) between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. The Triple Alliance in 1882 joined Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy into a bloc that lasted until WWI. A bilateral alliance between Germany and Russia lapsed in 1890, and a French-Russian alliance developed between 1891-1894. The Entente Cordiale thawed and then fostered relations between Great Britain and France in 1904, and a British-Russian agreement in 1907 bound Great Britain, France, and Russia into the Triple Entente.



#> -- # World War I Protagonists --------------------------------------------------
#> # A dynamic, labelled, signed, undirected network of 6 European major powers
#> and 20 relationship ties from 1872 to 1918
#> -- Nodes
#> # A tibble: 6 x 1
#>   name
#>   <chr>
#> 1 GBR
#> 2 FRA
#> 3 RUS
#> 4 AUH
#> 5 DEU
#> 6 ITA
#> -- Ties
#> # A tibble: 20 x 5
#>    from    to  sign begin   end
#>   <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1     1     2    -1  1872  1904
#> 2     1     3    -1  1872  1907
#> 3     1     4    -1  1872  1918
#> 4     2     3    -1  1872  1890
#> 5     2     4    -1  1872  1918
#> 6     2     5    -1  1872  1918
#> # i 14 more rows


Antal, Tibor, Pavel Krapivsky, and Sidney Redner. 2006. "Social balance on networks: The dynamics of friendship and enmity". Physica D 224: 130-136. doi:10.1016/j.physd.2006.09.028